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What is Buchiawase Daiko? Buchiawase Daiko is a traditional taiko piece which has been performed throughout Japan for over 150 years. The literal translation is "Joining Together" which is evident from the way the piece is performed. Each part of Japan has a slightly to vastly different version. The version we perform is similar to that which is from Miura Peninsula. The story is as follows: "In the south of Tokyo on the Miura Peninsula, Buchiawase Daiko is played after a successful round of fishing. There is a contest. One Taiko-group plays the piece on the mountain in Minsaki, the other group on the opposite mountain. The piece is usually played so powerfully and aggressively that it is also called "Kenka Daiko", which means "The Fighting Drums". |
Planned Dates
Day 1 - February 5 Day 2 - February 12 Day 3 - February 19 Day 4 - February 26 **Please note that dates may be changed. In this case, participants will be notified immediately** | Times Class 1 - Online Live Zoom Sessions on Saturdays - 11:00am-12:30pm (Japan Time). Class 2 - Online Live Zoom Sessions on Saturdays - 4:00pm-5:30pm (Japan Time). |
Cost 10,000yen - per person (Full Course)